We have always enjoyed sketching our way through the Bible. From the stick figures of Grapevine Studies to our own Proverbs Bible Study for Kids, we seem to learn best when we compare & contrast images. Art & bible learning have always comfortably gone hand in hand in our home.
Now with a teen and the meat the parables provide – it’s time to dig in & sketch ! The Parables sure are fun to break down. Culturally, literally, and artistically. We’ve started to draw our way through some Parables to “see” the teachings of Christ.

Parables Study with Sketches
I created 5 parables worksheets. The Lamp, The Speck & Log , The Old Garment, Tree & Its Fruit, and Worry to get started this month. Each download offers 3 pages. 1 page with printed out verse and some “helper” pictures, the next page blank lines to write out the verse with preferred translation, and a final page to sketch what the parable means to the student. The helper pictures are a more literal image of the verse – not an answer key! Each student should draw how they “see” the parable not what has been provided. For instance a literal plank and speck in the eyes rather than an image of judgement scales or a microscope – what my boys would sketch.
Parables Study with Sketches
Print one, print all four, the importance is not in the pictures of the parables but the part you and your student do together. Reading & discussing! Discuss these great parables with your children. How do they feel about them? What was up with wineskins? Why couldn’t they be reused? These are great questions for us now because we don’t use animal guts to hold wine. Thank goodness! Chat about sewing and patches. Kids today think patches are electronic game wins. Show them the quilt grandma made or better yet, start sewing again! I know your machine is collecting dust in the corner.
What does it looks like to let your light shine? What keeps us from letting our lights shine? Do we let our lights shine only at church or everywhere we go? Do you have a flicker of a spark or a flood light?
The questions that the parables inspire lead to such great conversations!
Print, The Lamp – Matthew 5:14-16
Print, The Speck & Log Matthew 7:1-5
Print, The Old Garment Matthew 9:16-17
Print, Tree & Its Fruit Luke 6:43-45
Print, Worry Luke 6:25-27
Freebie Subscribers Get More

Freebie Subscribers can print 4 more parables. The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Net, and The Wise & Foolish Builders. The builders parable is definitely a favorite. When the rains came – not if! I can do an entire bible study on those words alone. If you’re not a freebie subscriber it’s easy to sign up. Each month you’ll receive all of the new freebies I share on the blog plus a few more extras not shared on the blog. If you are a freebie subscriber check your email NOW! You’ve received those four plus The Parable of the Talents as well! That’s a longer pack since there are 16 verses!
Click on the image to sign up & receive more parables!
Looking for those comparison Proverbs Packs I mentioned earlier? You can find them here.