It’s hard to believe, but 30yrs of living in Florida has finally come to an end.
Long before the packing. Long before the amazing 6week vacation – Hubs’ company wanted a ‘west coast office’. But we weren’t really jazzed about moving to California. Therefore we did not pursue the move.
When public school ended in May I removed my oldest from the county school district & signed him up to homeschool again. One & 1/2 yrs was all I could take of public school. Our ‘reason for living’ within that particular school zone suddenly disappeared.
On vacation our landlord decided to end our lease & sell the house we’ve been renting for the last 6 years. We were given 30 days to find another home. While we were still in Colorado! We decided to check out other neighborhoods in Orlando. We had NO IDEA a move was coming as we drove home from Colorado thru the night to tour homes in Winter Garden, FL. I even shed tears driving away from the mountains completely unaware I’d be back in 4 short weeks!!

With all the changes happening around us, Hubs asked his company if ‘west coast’ could be a ‘western division’ in Denver, Colorado. He really enjoyed fly fishing & mountain biking. Surprisingly, they agreed. We immediately started packing.
We held a garage sale, sold a vehicle & golf cart, then packed up & trashed all the things in 3 weeks!! Some things we wanted to take but didn’t fit in the POD, so they went to the curb.

We were not successful finding a rental in Colorado from our kitchen in Florida. We decided to rent a vacation condo in the mountains for 2 weeks while checking out neighborhoods in person. We really like one spot south of Denver and are keeping our fingers crossed.
So naturally – I called up my super talented design friends and had a new blog header made. It’s perfect!!

So with the stars aligning and our family now living out west ~ I hope to share more Layton Adventures!