It’s the end of middle school. I can not believe our oldest just finished his very last middle school class this week. Part of me wants to cheer while the other is looking through old photos crying.
We have homeschooled for nine years. Through the delayed reading, tactile learning discovery, co-ops, long division, decimals, field trips, factors, curriculum choices, umbrella schools, sports, and now – does she like me -questions.
I am happy to say that even though there have been some very (very very) difficult times, he still wants to be homeschooled for next year – 9th grade. Which is great since some days I’m doing my best not to give ‘homeschool’ a bad rap!
We always ask what is best for our family. If it’s fulltime homeschooling at home, 2 day/week private classes, or even sending him to public school.
Because teenage attitude has me thinking much differently about public school. However, Hubs still travels and we still love the flexibility / freedom homeschool offers!
I’m learning to adapt to having a teenager … a high schooler!
Most days I feel like I missed the punchline of a hilarious joke everyone else immediately understood. I have a hard time keeping up with his moods. I swing from ‘best buddy’ to ‘public enemy’ in a flash.
Until then I’m enjoying the time we have together. If it’s walking to the beach, sharing a meal or evening story time. I love that he’s listening in on the reads to his brother. But who can resist Percy Jackson?!
It’s summer in Florida. Maybe my last summer with him before he gets a job. I am trying to soak it all up along with the sunshine!
We had a rough year with two teens in the house. I think it will be better next year. Each year they get a better grip on their hormones. I hope you all have a lovely summer.
Blessings, Dawn