Hi y’all! I’m Stef Layton, a glorified hands-on learning advocate, worksheet creator, & veteran homeschool mom of boys! I am a Content Creator for Chalk Pastel Art and Homeschool Nature Study. In my spare time I like to hike Colorado trails, eat insanely too much salsa, teach yoga, and enjoy dispersed camping with Hubs.

I started homeschooling in 2008 when my oldest son, Jacob, started Kindergarten. Since Hubs traveled so much for his job he suggested we homeschool. We’ve taken our boys all over the United States, Canada, Italy, Costa Rica & Thailand!

I discovered our oldest son, Jake, was a highly tactile learner and that I would have to create numerous projects and activities to best help him learn basic skills. Year after year after year I added hands-on learning projects to our curriculum. We enjoyed so many amazing lessons, field trips, and quality time spent together. I dove in along side him learning too, because honestly – homeschooling is my 2nd education!

Over the last fifteen years I have been a conference speaker, online community encourager, homeschool magazine columnist, brand ambassador, social media strategist, guest blogger, vlogger, ebook creator, blog manager, co-op field trip planner, and Geography teacher to 24 amazing students in Florida! Giving it all back to the homeschool community!!

In 2019 we had some major changes. We left FL for CO. My hands-on homeschool learner went to public high school. We started Classical Conversations with my youngest, and I honestly don’t know what I would have done without it. We desperately needed the community after the move. But Covid hit and it was hard for us to get connected. I turned back online to offer free resources to not only homeschool families but quarantined families who were trying to figure out how to homeschool.
Due to Covid and a rough public school online learning curve (on the teachers) we brought the high schooler back home to finish his senior year. It was a joy to graduate the one who got us started homeschooling!! After graduation he chose to become a United States Marine.

I continued homeschooling my youngest up until 11th grade when he wanted the “high school experience”. But honestly, I couldn’t keep up with his learning. He is too bright and bored with his online courses and needs more “Honors” and “AP” content. He most enjoys high school Speech & Debate Team, Theater, and ASL classes. Which is easier to find all in one place than driving around town to each independent class. He maintains all A’s and is happy with this school choice. We are very lucky to find a school in our district (a top 10 high school in our state) that offers so much! I know that’s not the case for many public schools.

Over the years I have partnered with some amazing brands, bloggers, and local moms to share my homeschool wisdom, encouragement and practical tips. I continue to enjoy learning myself – even though I no longer have actual students at home. But that’s the beauty of our homeschooling experience, life long learning.
Thanks for stopping by – I hope you find valuable info and a little adventure! Follow the fun on Instagram @LaytonAdventures – I love connecting with other homeschoolers!!