Seasonal Allergies are on the war path this week!
For a certain nine year old, the highlight of the week might have been the Homeschool Art Fair. But it was definitely Moms Night Out for me!
Connect Homeschool is a local group of homeschoolers who get together for field trips, play-dates, parties, and events. We joined them this year.
Even though the boy had a tooth extracted that morning nothing was going to keep him from showing off his animal sketches.
Tuesday night I usually participate in a Beth Moore bible study at my house. But this week we headed out for sushi. I needed a Mom’s Night Out.
Mid-week, the youngest & I took an impromptu Nature Walk around our yard to pick up pine cones for future bird feeders. It turned into a great science lesson discovering all the other things we picked up.
Seasonal Allergies
The oldest has been struggling this week with his allergy induced asthma. Since I’m wearing the health dictator badge – he has been prohibited from outside physical activities. We hit the library hard & I’m finding little Lego sculptures everywhere in silent stagnant protest. The Allergy Bomb (YLEO) has been diffusing non-stop.
We are looking forward to Good Friday service tonight. Which means I should make some hard boiled eggs before the weekend sneaks up on me!
Mmm, sushi. One of my favorite night out meals. Your son’s art is so good!