If I have learned anything in 10 years of homeschooling it’s the fact that it is better to be flexible. For this reason I started looking for something new and switching Science Curriculum in the middle of a school year.
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Switching Science Curriculum
Let me begin by saying that I have high expectations. I think science curriculum should offer numerous hands-on learning opportunities while keeping students engaged. Even though I do have an auditory learner – too much reading can be overwhelming!
A few years ago we moved to the west coast beach to be closer to my husband’s work project. I immediately started teaching Swimming Creatures since we had daily access to the beach! Morning, noon, and night we were a 1 mile bike ride from the sandy shore. It was absolutely amazing!
We enjoyed a huge 3 month “head start” before school actually started doing hands-on science right in the water! Sea stars, crabs, sea turtles, sand dollars, dolphins, fish, reef, and sharks! Absolutely amazing experience!!
When we moved back inland to boring dry Orlando, My son’s co-op science class covered a different curriculum but more marine biology. It was boring because the material was not “new”. The subjects were dull reading from a book when he had just snorkled his was past lobster!
We’ve read, built, created, touched, and enjoyed a lot of Marine Biology. We felt like we were pretty much done with all things aquatic and needed to start looking for something completely different for the next semester. But who switches science curriculum in the middle of a year? This mom.
When we were in Florence Italy visiting the Galileo and Da Vinci museums when I noticed my boys’ interested had shifted from animals to machines. We spent the day in both museums which offered more hands-on learning activities than I could count and the boys had the best time!
I really wanted to incorporate this type of science, hands-on learning, engaged learning to our homeschool days since it was their current interest. Zoology is great for little kids who love animals. It’s easy to incorporate those lessons. But once they start 5th grade … that interest can fade.
It’s true, I live in an Apologia bubble. It was extremely difficult for me to even consider using another curriculum. Also, being a ‘Christian Homeschooler’, it’s almost expected that I use Apologia. They dominate homeschool conferences. Not just the huge booth – but every speaker works for Apologia. I have friends who write Apologia high school curriculum. Apologia has done a great job marketing their resources, but there are other science curricula.
My son reminded me how much he enjoyed the hands-on activities in that one science book he did at that one science class last year. I couldn’t remember what it was. That same night a gal on Instagram shared the same book my son enjoyed. So I went looking for a second book, and we found it!
Science in the Scientific Revolution. Â The title alone made me feel like it would be a perfect fit after our Italy trip! The first chapter jumped right in having us making heliocentric and geocentric models. A great reminder of our Italy vacation and I was a fan tying in the history component.
My son is relieved we’re not talking about marine animals any more. I’m relieved we’re not just reading so much science but actually “doing” science and it’s also easy to teach. {not to mention that I am learning a few things!}
Having a curriculum that makes science less intimidating is a bonus for this homeschool mom.
Homeschool planning by semester helps yet again as we switch Science Curriculum. Here are a few other Science Curriculum companies you might check out – once you pop the Apologia bubble.
Nancy Larsen Science –http://www.nancylarson.com/index_hs2.html
we absolutely loved her science kits & I’m bummed she stops at 5th grade! We did this ‘box set’ before we ever started Apologia!
Elemental Science – Paige emails out a Science tip of the week.
Answers in Genesis – we loved reviewing MasterBooks many years ago! https://answersingenesis.org/store/curriculum/
Mr Q’s Classic Science https://eequalsmcq.com/classicsciinfo.htm
Although this is new to us – I did want to try it before I settled on something else.
Download N Go Unit Studies – https://unitstudy.com/products/
we’ve always used as add-ons but with a little more effort can be enough for elementary curriculum.