It’s so like homeschool to be studying about one thing, look up another thing, and then create an entire country pack because you found out wolves have been extinct in Ireland for the last 200 years. Am I right?!
Learn more about Ireland and document it all with this Republic of Ireland Country Pack.
I have yet to visit Ireland. Closest I’ve been is Scotland. So I can’t share any personal photos. So I’ll share some pages of the 9page pack I just put together.

2 pages for specific Country Info, a Red Deer info page & Sketch page (because I couldn’t decide between the Irish Hare – it’s adorable when it’s boxing, but we had been researching wolves). A Shamrock sketch page. Mapping opportunity, and a lined page if students are interested in the history between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.
If you’re looking for an extra page for a Famous person from Ireland – click over to Saint Patrick Bio Page or Bram Stoker or C.S. Lewis (Northern Ireland)! Add them with this country pack for a great History and/or Geography Notebook! Enjoy!!
Looking for more country packs? Check these out!!