Grab three supplies to make this Paper Bag Map!

Really! Just three items and you can pull off a neat map
* Brown paper bag. I prefer lunch bags because they are easy to cut, role, and store. I can also pick up a bunch at the dollar store. If you’re going to add glitter you might go with a larger grocery bag.
* Sharpie. Any color or size will work.
* Scissors.
Make A Paper Bag Map!
Cut down along the side of the bag. Then cut all the way around the bottom. If you can find something to do with the bottom of the bag please let me know! I probably have a million of them.
Then go ahead and draw a map on the flat bag. You can review geography lessons and draw conntinents, countries, or states.
You can draw a map from a favorite story like Narnia or Percy Jackson’s Camp Half Blood. Another great way to cover reading comprehension questions!

You can create a treasure map, scavenger hunt, or create a new island with your children. You can even roll up the bag and burn the ends for a real pirate treasure map look.
The paper bag map possibilities are endless.
If you want to get fancy go ahead and color in your map for each topographical region. You can add glitter to different areas. Older students can label their maps adding: rivers, mountains, landmarks, and cities.
A paper bag map is super easy to make. If you have detail oriented children, this activity can take up a good amount of time.
Turn this into a quality time opportunity and ask questions. Where would you like to visit? Where do you want to live when you grow up? Where was your favorite vacation? Etc.
This activity is my favorite way to review geography while adding a hands-on learning element.