I have a little problem buying gift bags. I know they are super pretty and make a small present feel big, but they just cost too much in my opinion.
It happens all the time. A birthday, holiday, or celebration creeps up on me. I grab a small gift but have to drive somewhere else to buy the dreaded gift bag!
Really, you can decorate a brown paper bag just as easy and deliver a sweet gift. Just tell me who keeps those bags as treasures? I know they are recycled and given away! You have fooled no one. I once bought a friend a pretty basket. Forgetting it came from me … she gave it back to me!
We can give small gifts to teachers, neighbors, and friends in homemade gift bags. Because the shiny, 3D, glittery ones can add up to a mountain of gift bags. A landfill of gift bags!
Buy 100 brown paper bags from the Dollar Store and give out a ton of gifts this year.
Sure it takes time to paint the bags – but my kids absolutely love doing it. And I wish I was exaggerating, but they absolutely love anything crafty. Why not knock out a need and a craft at the same time. And grandparents can fold bags to keep kid artwork. Genius!!
Paper Bag Gift Bags
What You Need
small brown paper bags (lunch sacks)
paint brushes
cookie cutters (optional if you don’t want to free hand)
Simple things to paint on your brown paper bag:
christmas tree
candy cane
string of lights
Things to keep in mind …
You are not going to start a new small business paper bag company. Or maybe you will, but we obviously will not. If you’re ‘crafty’ like us … Relax and let the process be enjoyable for your children. Helicopter craft mom is the worst!
The first year my youngest wanted to do this and I had a mini heart attack because I felt everything looked like kid art. It is supposed to look like an art!
Yet they loved doing it. Thankfully, the people we gave the bags to were nice enough not to laugh in our faces. I figured maybe it was just me who was a bit too uptight. Enjoy making your paper bag gift bags this holiday season!