November kicks off the crazy feelings the holidays bring. Joy followed by overwhelming stress. I’m trying my own November Unplug Challenge in hopes of feeling MORE thankful and less stressed.
I have come up with 30 things I can do besides being stuck on my phone feeling LESS thankful !! Social media has this creepy way of sneaking up on us then hitting us over the head! I end up feeling less thankful and more stressed as I try every recipe, sew table decorations, respond to Facebook tree lighting event, complain that it’s not Christmas so stop singing carols, count coins to donate to Salvation Army, and be reminded daily of the millions of thankful scriptures I should be reading.
Now the news is more depressing than any other time in the history of my life. Even my favorite late night tv shows are starting to make me feel a bit gloomy than cheer me up as I’m mocking others not really laughing at good jokes.
This isn’t drop social media and go stone age. This isn’t unfriend all your friends and eat gallons of ice-cream. This isn’t smear social media and my wonderful relationships. I’m just trying to think of other things I can be doing at least once each day during the “Thankful Month” before I come down with a nasty case of Pinterest Thanksgiving Crazies.
Coincidentally a lot of these activities I can be doing with my boys too. So maybe me unplugging for just a bit each day they will want to ditch screens too … for just a bit.
This is not a date-specific challenge. It’s just 30 ideas you can try while you unplug any time during the month. Ideas like …
build a fort
read a classic
make smoothies
bake something special for someone special
Click on the image above or here UNPLUG CHALLENGE if you’d like to print out the ideas and give them a try!