I have not blogged in forever! I am mostly writing this Mid April Update for myself.
Fourth grade HomeSchool is almost complete! We’re basically just doing little things here and there to complete our 180 days state requirement.
It was a very odd Homeschool year. I continued teaching at The Living School and used their classes as our core subjects. Unfortunately, I had to quit a few weeks into the school year which changed our schebdule and required me to find some extra things at home to fill in the gaps.
I loved teaching and really miss that creative outlet of planning lessons & teaching.
Thankfully a friend (who like us did not return after the Christmas break) suggested a theater and art class for the 2nd semester. It ended up being at our old HomeSchool – which was fantastic!
I didn’t realize how much my youngest loves to sing and perform. He is currently in two plays (one at school and one at church). We will continue the art / theater classes next year. I have already started purchasing fifth grade curriculum.
As far as public school ninth grade… Boy has it been interesting. I definitely have to write a blog post for Homeschoolers who are transitioning into the public school system.
I still do not believe public school is the devil, I do not believe it is a jail, and I really appreciate a few teachers who truly care about the students. There are good people out there! Yet, with all of that being said…it hasn’t been entirely pretty. It has shown us the uglier side of raising kids and therefore enforced our beliefs on how we chose to parent.
I am learning what real faith looks like every day. I am learning what trust looks like. Those are hard things to really wrap your mind around when you’re sitting at home on your comfy couch, reading parent approved stories and living inside a protective Christian bubble. Faith is required in letting them go. I was naïve to think I knew what faith is all about.
I am incredibly thankful for the high school tennis team. Not only was it difficult just going to public school after being homeschooled for 10 years, but going to public school in the middle of the school year was difficult.
Thankfully Tennis started a few weeks after the semester began and offered friendships that were not happening in the classrooms. And he’s part of a winning (16-1) Districts Champions team!
He is looking forward to his sophomore year at public school taking interesting electives like: Drawing 3, Journalism, and Digital Production.
The summer is going to be interesting since I usually start homeschooling in July. We’re encouraging him to get out & get a job. My baby … a job. I’m feeling super old !