I would never consider my husband a ‘Home Educator’. He travels so often for work just being a regular Dad can be challenging! But he is still an active Homeschool Dad.
I never want to mistakenly assume he doesn’t want to be part of our boys’ education. But he can’t really take on a subject for the entire year either. We have to find a healthy balance as I am sure most homeschool families do too.
I believe a Homeschool Dad is more than a substitute teacher and has many things to offer!
I started asking Hubs to jump into areas I know he excels naturally:
Whenever we travel and go hiking Professor Layton joins us on the trail for an in-depth botany lesson! I am fascinated by the things he knows because of his landscape architecture degree. Things that would take me weeks to research and plan!
He has artistic patience and kindness to endure ‘art time’ when all I want to do is bang my head against the wall.
He’s also far more adventurous than I will ever be!
If it’s snorkeling, scuba diving, snowboarding or mountain biking, he finds adventure and learning lessons along the way.
Our Homeschool Dad is better at teaching life skills. He is a better cook and keeps a tidy kitchen! I could learn a thing or two if I weren’t so prideful.
Homeschool Dad has hilarious accents and enjoys reading to us. Although he’s a stickler for only one chapter each night … it’s still a joy to join my children and be read to for a change.
Having a partner in this consuming self-sacrificing choice is a big deal. {even if it was his idea to Homeschool} He might not pick curriculum or clean up after science labs. But I wouldn’t trade him for a paid teacher!