We have loved reading the Who Was Series. Such great books, but as a 3-hole punching junkie who loves her portfolios – I needed something tangible after each great read. I created a few Famous Historical Biography Worksheets you can download and use as well.

I started creating Famous American biography worksheets as we studied people in history during Challenge B. Then I couldn’t stop myself from creating a few more! Click on the images below to find all 46 presidents, 18th Century Americans who impacted our history & 20th Century Americans who impacted our history.
Many of these people were assigned in Challenge B. Many were not even taught to me in high school history classes. Many of the 18th century females I had to hunt to discover. It was a great opportunity to learn more about Famous Americans. BiographyOnline.Net was a great help.
Famous Historical Biography Worksheets
Looking for more biography sheets? I’ve created Famous Astronomers and Who Was, 15 Explorers.

Find your resources, read great biographies, print the biography sheets, and then fill in the information. 3-hole punch these papers for your science, history, and/or reading notebooks!

Famous Authors Bio Pages
I’ve created over 25 biography pages for writers – some fall into the “historical” timeline. These bio pages are a little different than my other bio pages (above) and I would say geared toward middle school students, especially since my 8th grade son uses them. So more writing lines, facts to look up, and no drawing blocks.