When I was a little girl my father had a massive garden growing in our backyard. Every vegetable you could imagine, more cherry tomatoes than I ever want to pick – ever again. I loved our garden. I loved the smell of the dirt. The warm sunshine. I loved the excitement of ripe carrots waiting to be plucked. I had no idea I would want to garden as an adult, and as a mom I’m seeing how much gardens grow character.
“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” ― Thomas Jefferson
garden journal
I had no idea the character qualities gardens help teach children nor the hands-on learning opportunities a simple garden provides. If you’re planting one pot, a backyard, or just a flower garden – they offer amazing lessons!
Patience, responsibility, gentleness, as well as learning to deal with disappointment, adversity, and being flexible.
Some of these qualities you just can’t teach, but you can experience together. I’ll never forget the year we planted 14 tomatoes plants just to learn about “army worms” and only harvest 4 tomatoes.
One bad day can torpedo a child’s interest in the garden, completely! I highly recommend keeping a Garden Journal. (you can print ours) It helps to write down the chores as well what you planted when, and all the wins. Point out and remind a child of the weekly NEWS! so they do not feel overwhelmed by weeds. Oh the weeds!
Download the Garden Journal
(3-hole punch & call it science!)
This Garden Journal offers 4 weeks of daily tracking with a daily “NEWS” section to write something awesome. From a sprout to a great rainy day – have your student write down everything! Even the day you pick your prize and make homemade salsa for the family. That was a good day.
More Free Worksheets for Outdoor Fun!
We love being outside. So if we’re gardening, walking, picnicking, or bird watching – I definitely want to keep my eyes open to the things around me. I like to think it’s working on OBSERVATION SKILLS. At least it makes me happy.
If your not gardening or just tending a beautiful flower bed be sure to download the Bird Tracking and Flower Nature Walk worksheets! These are great little places to leave tally marks whenever playing ISpy Nature.
Gardens offer a great opportunity to get dirty, get fresh air, and get vitamin D. So get outside soon and plant something together. Since moving from FL to CO – we have a slightly different planting season. I’m thankful for websites to help keep me organized.When to Plant – Colorado. https://urbanfarmcolorado.com/when-to-plant/