I have to be honest and tell you, October in Colorado compared to October in Florida is an out-of-body experience!
Most of our trees out here – cotton woods and aspen – are ablaze with gold. Of course we keep reciting Robert Frost’s Nothing Gold Can Stay. A poem I memorized only because I had a huge crush on every single actor from the Outsiders. Teen motivation.
Fall weather is brilliant for picnic lunches and reading in the park. It’s my favorite time of year to get lost in a book while enjoying the weather. And a yummy turkey sandwich with cucumbers and sprouts. The boys used to love our picnic read alouds. I miss traveling to NC and jumping in leaf piles with them.
But, there is no reason why we can’t enjoy the fall weather for ourselves! Mom friend – are you filling up your fall bucket? Are you getting outside and enjoying the fresh air and gorgeous walking paths? I remember the first time I asked my teens if they wanted to go on a hike & they declined. I was seriously going to sit home and do nothing. When the idea just struck me – NO WAY! Miss out because they don’t want to go?? The boys were at the age I could legally leave them home for an hour or two or ten and I was able to enjoy some fresh air, sunshine, and fall color. I seriously had a debate with myself.
I was feeling guilty. Was this selfish? Why couldn’t I go alone? Finally I said – “Well, I’m going, see ya later.” And that was that. That day I realized I could do things without them and it was much more enjoyable than sitting around listening to them bicker about stupid characters on the Xbox. So I’ll ask again … are you filling up your fall bucket?? Are you getting what you need so you can be the best mom, wife, home educator, etc. you can be going into this next stressful season?
Seasonal Depression
I ask because women are more likely to suffer from Seasonal Depression than men. And 1 in 4 women will experience seasonal depression. So I’m looking out for my friends right now as the days get shorter, darker, and we are home for SO EVER-LOVING LONG! Take a hike – literally.
Or go catch your first rainbow trout – cause I finally did last week !! * I only strangled the trout to get this horrible photo but I pinkie promise I released him and he swam away without any hard feelings.
Book Club
Right now I am reading the Thursday Murder Club, The Man Who Died Twice. It is the second book in the Thursday Murder Club series. I am absolutely 100% loving these characters! The book is written so well and with such wit. Every other chapter I am laughing out loud from a smart comment here and there. Not to mention the constant suspense of trying to figure out who “did it”.
I started reading books with my dear friend Cheryl Pitt. Many of us know her from the 2:1 Conference. We met forever ago when we first started blogging as Educating Laytons and Somewhat Crunchy. We met up in real life for conferences and worked together on The Homeschool Village and the 2:1 Conference. Now we vox each other daily and chat family, menopause, and great reads. The evolution of a friendship.
It’s something that I truly appreciate sharing with her – this fun book by book reading together-ish. Her on the east coast me in the Rockies. One of us might be 10 chapters ahead of the other, so it’s definitely going at your own laundry folding pace. But when we chat characters, plot twists, and “I told you he did it!” moments – it’s truly fun to do this along with a friend. One day we’ll have another get together IRL opportunity and we’ll laugh about our latest read.
So far we have finished: The Family Game, When the Stars Go Dark, The Thursday Murder Club, The Midnight Library – I should totally write a post about this book, and now the 2nd Thursday Murder Club. The fun of it is also in the picking of titles. We switch off who picks each book.
If you’re getting into great books with your homeschoolers – don’t forget my incredibly long list of FREE Author Bio Pages! These “packs” offer 3 pages for each author. And friend – there is a great list of authors. I should start to include some new ones – my sons’ favorites. Until then – Happy Fall. Happy Reading!!