I am totally aware I missed a Week 16 wrap-up, just imagine it was amazing – out of this world classical conversations overload.
Moving on to Week 17. I really am pleased my son loves his Monday class. He has so much fun and the work he puts in to his presentations is beyond anything I could have ever asked of him! He takes the presentation so seriously – I’d be surprised if he ever got up and said, “I don’t have a presentation this week so I’ll share about the last book I read”. I know there are times that is necessary, but at 6th grade – I’m with my son in believing this should be taken a bit seriously. It’s not hard to work an hour the entire week ready to present valuable information a student finds interesting. Maybe it’s his love for acting that is a double win. Research and acting – he looks forward to this each week.

This week I decided to try a NaturExplorers unit study on ROCKS. I’ve been following Cindy West, Our Journey Westward, for many years. We’ve never worked together – so I’ve never reviewed her materials before. However, my son likes rocks – so rocks we shall study. This unit study will most likely be his presentation for next week.
I partnered the rocks study with Chalk Pastels American Landscapes to add an art component.

I’ve been a Chalk Pastels #youareanartist fan since Jacob was in middle school! We’ve done the Ancient, Medieval, and now American History membership.
We’ve always enjoyed Amanda Bennett’s Download-N-Go unit studies, and we’re currently working through ELECTIONS. This has been great for political vocabulary words my son has been hearing with recent debates, but has never asked what the words mean. I’m very happy to have a resource to use before everyone gets crazy with talk of voting in November.
Of course this week is the 1st Monday of the month – which we’ve declared Sushi Date Lunch.

We found this cute place near our Classical Conversations location and they have a $10 2 roll lunch special. It might be the only time I can get that kid to eat a salad.
Also this week we tried our first Outschool online class. It was a win, mostly because the topic: Guinea Pigs.