On Monday October 21st we started our first Classical Conversations, Foundations, class. It was out of complete desperation to get my homeschool kid connected in our new town. I even told Henry, “I don’t care about school or grades this year – let’s just get connected”. Not something I’m proud of saying, but finding homeschool groups for middle school ages was becoming impossible! And I couldn’t bare to see homesick tears much longer.
Yes. Facebook offers a handful of local homeschool groups and they post a million activities, yet none were specifically for middle school ages. Middle school gets serious and many moms let me know they “didn’t have time to get away”. They were hard at work on school. I didn’t want to drag my son to the kiddie playground in hopes of an older sibling sulking in the corner. We were getting desperate for connection.
It took us 3 phone calls to 3 different CC groups in the area to find the LAST spot in the Masters Foundation Class. I told the Director I wanted it “sight unseen”. Thankfully, it’s been working out beautifully.

I will admit my son was not comfortable his first day. Listening to eight other students repeat information they had heard “a million time before”, was incredibly intimidating. He kept looking over his shoulder at me wondering what type of cult I had signed us up for in the name of “friends”. Henry wanted to leave early. I shook my head numerous times and whispered “give it a chance”. Thankfully, once they grabbed lunch boxes and started talking to him – he wasn’t about to leave. I’m so glad he didn’t give up.
We joined Week 6 of Cycle 2 and you wanna guess who has become a singing fool around the house? He is ALL IN! His auditory and memorization skills are loving the review process and he’s already committed to Memory Masters (reciting ALL the information at the end of the year). I’m proud but not surprised! This is the kid who learned 2 scripts for 2 different plays during the same week!
I’m just thrilled the amount of time and effort he is putting into his Presentations, the Rhetoric portion of Classical Conversations.

During snack each child stands before the class and shares information on a topic. Our library trips have increased and I’m wildly excited to see him take this so seriously. He’s presented on: dogs, making board games, and Magellan. Some other students – the ones who have done this forever – do not put much effort into their presentations. Thankfully that has not discouraged my son from doing his part.
There are five boys and four girls in the Masters class. Henry turned 12 in September and all the boys will turn 12 in November – I’m happy he’s spending time with boys his own age. That was a prayer request for a long time.
I am a little sad to see the art portion is finished and tin whistle replaced it. Even more sad to have to listen to it.

Thankfully we’ve been using Chalk Pastels Membership to fill in the art blanks at home. We enjoyed the Ancient History subscription and just switched to Middle Ages to fit in with Cycle 2 curriculum. We’ve been using Chalk Pastels since my oldest was in middle school – I highly recommend it.
This past Thursday a new friend from class came over to “hang out” (we aren’t permitted to call them playdates anymore). The boys played Nintendo Switch and ate lunch. I was thankful for the new friendship. This boy is from a military family and moves around a lot – so it’s nice he’s new to the group this year as well.

I loved Classical Conversations the semester my oldest tried it back in 3rd grade. Unfortunately, his highly tactile learning style did not enjoy the music, memorization, and singing. I’m so pleased it’s a perfect fit for Henry!
I am glad to be meeting CC moms. Most homeschool co-ops we’ve dropped off and dashed. Trying to connect with the teachers but not familiar with any of the students’ moms. The Classical Conversations format is different.
Moms stay in classrooms and volunteer. It’s not longer drop and dash. As much as I used to enjoy “me time” in Orlando, I’m really appreciative for this chance to meet moms! I can’t wait for the Moms Night Out events each month to meet more moms of this group.
This regular proximity has lead to an invitation to church. Since we haven’t found one we we’re crazy about yet it was a welcome invitation! We’ve been 2 weeks now and are really enjoying it. It also makes small group easier for Henry since he knows a few boys from class. It’s all working out right now – we keep reminding ourselves to “just give it time”.
Awesome to hear you are enjoying it with Henry, and thank you for sharing your story!