I have this thing for trees, so my boys are forced to look at them, do bark tracing, ring counting, and buy me nature guides so I can identify trees wherever we go. That’s one reason why I love Arbor Day Activities!
Can’t Plant a Tree?
I know many of us are not able to plant a tree on Arbor Day. It’s a nice idea, but realistically we rent, we didn’t get it approved by the HOA, we live in an apartment, we can’t afford a tree. There are many reasons! So here are a few other ideas for you to enjoy Arbor Day minus the shovel.
Water a tree.
Pick up trash around a tree.
Clean up a walking path, bike path, or playground.
Take a hike and track the different types of trees you see.
It might be arbor day, but go ahead and plant a shrub, herb, or flower garden!
Add a bird feeder to a tree in your yard.
Learn about trees! Our absolutely favorite unit study on trees has bee, Tremendous Trees by Amanda Bennett.
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Tremendous Trees Download N Go
This hands-on study was definitely a joy for my boys. Perfect for K-4th Grades. It’s only 1-2 Weeks, which makes a fun quick study!
Seasons of a Tree Free Download

Art on Arbor Day – who wouldn’t be thrilled? Print my Seasons of a Tree worksheet and draw your favorite tree in every season. Which season is your favorite? Being from upstate New York I lean toward fall, but after living in Colorado during the winter, snowy trees sure are beautiful!
Free Lorax Book Review
I speak for the trees! The Lorax is a great story to read on Arbor Day. It’s one of our favorite movies! I created The Lorax Book Review as a free download you can print now!

Rather than feel pressure to celebrate every little holiday and fun day – do fun things together. No one is going to discredit your homeschool because you didn’t celebrate Arbor Day. Walk, color, build a LEGO tree! Take it easy.

Make sugar cookies in the shape of a tree – just frost them green. Christmas tree snacks still make great Arbor Day Snacks! A Christmas tree is an evergreen, m’kay! Collect leaves for a tree journal all year long.
Jeremiah 17:8 Bible Study Page
Homeschool Mama, it’s not about doing all the crafts, celebrating all the holidays, or assigning extra busy work! Those things will not sustain your homeschool. I know.
It’s all about Jeremiah 17:8!
They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

Print the Jeremiah 17:8 Bible Study Page for you and your homeschooler to write the verse and draw the picture!