When my boys were young learning about animals took up most of our homeschool time. I was happy to introduce “zoology” to them and a respect for all types of living animals.
From fuzzy and adorable to creepy crawly and scary … we loved learning about animals. We took a Charlotte Mason approach, getting up close and personal to experience more than reading about animals in a book.

I created these Animal Worksheets to help document our reading, watching, and science learning time. Under some of these animals you can click the link to read about our Animal Encounters!
Feel free to print any of these Animal Worksheets for your elementary aged learner. These are best used as a review after you’ve learned about a specific animal or animal kingdom. {scroll to bottom for a blank animal worksheet}

Animal Worksheets
bison worksheet
Animal Encounters: bison in Yellowstone
dolphins worksheet
Animal Encounters: Dolphins while snorkeling
horses worksheet
Animal Encounters: horseback ride in Yellowstone
iguanas worksheet
Animal Encounters: Iguana neighbor in Naples
Haven’t found the animal you are currently learning about? Print this blank animal worksheet and fill in your animal!
blank animal worksheet