I am beyond thrilled that Classical Conversations has started back up and meeting IN PERSON! Who would have thought that’s how we have to describe everything now … IN PERSON!

Classical Conversations Challenge A
This year Henry starts Challenge A. He is in 7th grade. It’s completely different than the sing-song memorization of (elementary grades) Foundations. Which we felt was far too easy compared to the co-op he attended since Kindergarten in Florida. However, last year we used CC to meet people rather than rely on it for “homeschool work” – which I greatly supplemented at home. I am so thankful he really bonded with the 8 other kids in the class and has formed healthy friendships!
Challenge A is far more research, write, read, & work hard! And he is definitely happier this year with the work load. We are making a slight alteration to the “strands” (which are subjects) and doing Visual Latin rather than the beloved Henle. I know – we’re Classical Conversations sinners. But since I work for Compass Classroom – who produced Visual Latin and I’ve met Dwane … Henle just feels so boring! And honestly, isn’t that the flexibility we all appreciate with homeschooling? Doing what is best for your family! We’ll pursue Spanish for high school as well.
Tuesday Hikes

Since Monday is a full day of Classical Conversations 8:30a-3p we decided to run off to the mountains on Tuesdays. Tuesday Hikes are probably my favorite day of the week. We pack up lunches, snacks, blankets, books, field guides, binocluars, and playing cards. We find a trail within 2 hours of the house – there are plenty of those in Colorado – and spend the day OUTSIDE! No work, no emails, no Xbox, no tv – no disruptions. Just a beautiful hiking path and some great views!! Hubs either mountain bikes or goes fly fishing. I know this will end late October/November when snow rolls into town, so I’m enjoying as much as I can now!
As of right now he is not signed up for any plays. Which is a BIG DEAL! Since the summer stuff was postponed and cancelled we didn’t want to invest a lot of money for that to happen again.
High School Senior

Jake is now a public school senior at Rock Canyon High School. That just blows my mind. The kid who we started homeschooling in Pre-K (2008) is now finishing it all up. Douglas County decided on a 2 day in person schedule and 3 days home – splitting into 2 cohorts A & B alternating days on property. It’s nice to think the school is at 50% capacity, but if a teacher gets covid – he is home for 14 days.
I know this doesn’t count as official “Homeschool 2020 Plans”, but I’d hate to leave out a big part of my life. Earlier this summer we discussed him attending Challenge 3 at Classical Conversations, but so much of the material is a repeat for things he’s already completed (Chemistry, Shakespeare) I would have had to supplement, a lot. And I can’t really help him with Graphic Design – which is what he wants to pursue at Colorado State. We decided to keep him in public school and see what happens in January. IF things get worse with public school attendance I can always bring him home. He made the tennis team this year and I can’t believe it’s his last time playing high school tennis. A lot of lasts this year. Otherwise, he bought his first car. He has a lifeguard job at the Rec Center. I’m proud of how he’s becoming independent.
Ascent Yoga

My yoga-in-the-park classes fizzled out before they started because of wildfires in Colorado. So I started teaching Online Homeschool Personal Fitness and Health. I am having SO much fun preparing the assignments and completing them myself. Isn’t that what homeschool is all about? A second education – learning together – growing together? I’m having a blast even though it’s not what I had originally planned nor is it with my own children!
Honestly, I knew I’d be teaching this year. I really thought it would be Challenge 1 (9th grade) if we had put Jake in CC. But since he’s not in CC I can not teach – CC rules, all family members must be enrolled for a parent to teach. Selfishly, I was a little heartbroken. Okay, I was a lotta heartbroken. I even purchased the books and started getting a little Mrs. Layton goofy. I do that when I teach. Super excited. I’m glad I can still offer kids (and now online – everywhere) Personal Fitness & Health.

I’ve been homeschooling since 2008 – there have been so many up’s & down’s – but through it all we’ve grown closer as a family and that’s what is most important!