We read Classic Starts 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea which is recommended for 7-9 year old children. I’m sharing a few drenched ideas to put together to create your own mini unit study.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Unit Study Ideas

Right after you read the story be sure to fill out the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. This is a great chance to practice “Reading / Listening Comprehension” for the 3rd-5th graders. Print the free sheet by clicking on the image, fill it out, discuss, and then 3-hole punch for a Reading Binder.
Research Aquatic Animals!
Maybe you want to research sharks, eels, dolphins, squids, etc. Pick an animal from the story or all of them and learn more about them! Find Animals Worksheets here or print a blank Animals Do / Are Worksheet! and have your student fill in their favorite animal.
Sink of Float Experiment
Who doesn’t love finding out what sinks and what floats? Print this Sink or Float tracking sheet to see what sinks and what floats!

Learn about Aquatic Biomes! Print this Aquatic Biomes Worksheet to track the information.
Learn oceans, major rivers, etc. Map them! Be sure to add crafting to your Geography Lessons!

Make a Simple Mosaic Map
You can always check out ChalkPastel.com for chalk Mapping tutorials.
Draw Animals!
Drawing is such a fun way to wrap up a unit study or create a cover for the entire study. Draw one of the characters from the story or draw the real animal. You can find “how to draw” tutorials on YouTube. My oldest sketched this octopus for his Marine Biology class.
Read Greek Myths
If you’re learning about the ocean and seas it’s the perfect time to pull out some Greek Myths! Or watch Sea of Monsters and enjoy the journey with Percy Jackson. Print this Poseidon Worksheet for fun.
If printing looks off – be sure to set printer settings to: “print to printable area”.
Looking for more Book Review Sheets? I have a ton! Check them out here.